Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: I Issue: X, 26 September 2013
Hypocalcemic Role Of Calcitonin In Female Mastacembelus Armatus (lacepede), During Reproductive Cycle
Sushant Kumar Verma And Abdul Alim
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On the basis of various histological changes the ovarian cycle of Mastacembelus armatus can be divided in to five different phases i.e. resting, maturation, prespawning, spawning and postspawning phases. Seasonal cyclic changes in the plasma calcium and calcitonin level were found associated with this ovarian cycle. An increase in their level occurs during maturation phase with a corresponding increase in the gonadosomatic index reaching the peak during prespawning phase and spawning phase. On the other hand a significant decrease was noted during postspawning and resting phase. Histological changes in the ultimobranchial gland also revealed the seasonal variation in its activity. It exhibits various signs of hyperactivity like Maximum increase in the population of secretory cells, decrease in size of lumen and dilation of blood vessels during prespawning and spawning phase. Disruptive follicular organization was noted during resting and post spawning phase. 17-β estradiol administration resulted in hypercalcemia and increase in plasma calcitonin level in M. armatus fed with calcium deficient food. Therefore it can be concluded that UBG is mainly concerned with reproductive physiology of the fish M. Armatus by lowering down elevated plasma calcium level accompanied through extra intestinal routes during ovarian maturation.

An Operational Calculus Method In Spherical Co-ordinate For Some Mixed Boundary Problems
G.C.Dubey And Pius Kumar
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The present paper devoted to dual integral equations involving non stationary Heat conduction equation in the Laplace Transform for two dimensional symmetrical under mixed discontinuous boundary conditions acted on level surface of semi space in spherical co-ordinates we find temperature distribution function of moving solid object along a surface of semi space with velocity v by consideration of non-stationary heat conduction equation and Heat source m1(r, t) inside a disc of radius c, r < c, outside of disc r > c, a temperature function m2(r, t) is given. We use operational calculus method and dual integral equation for the solution of given boundary value problem.

A Study On Secretion, Extraction & Purification Of Extracellular Polysaccharides By Chlorococcus Spp.from Coastal Regions Of Gujarat.
S. M. Sharma And H. V. Sukhadia
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Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are characterized as secondary metabolites being produced predominantly during the stationary growth phase of the microorganism. The capacity of Cyanobacteria to produce extracellular polysaccharides has been related since the beginning of the 1950s. In stress conditions, a lot of Cyanobacteria produce a great amount of EPS, being in that way a metabolic strategy of these microorganisms for growth and development in unfavorable conditions. They have the purpose of protecting them against tensions of extreme habitats and harmful conditions. EPS are compounds whose chemical composition is complex and with peculiar properties. Those biopolymers present inhibition properties against several types of viruses as well as tumors. They also show physical-chemical properties with advantages for industrial use, being utilized in food, textiles, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The full biotechnological use of EPS produced by Cyanobacteria is expected soon. This research field is wide, prosperous and of great scientific and lucrative potential.

Design And Development Of Pneumatic Conveying System For Chilli Handling And Experimentation
J. M. Mahure, P. G. Mehar, S. R. Ikhar And A. V. Vanalkar
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In the industries where bulk material is to be transferred from one place in the process plant to the other, material handling systems are required. Various types of conveyors are available in the market having their own characteristic features. But in the industries where very high mass flow rates are required, pneumatic conveying system can be very useful. Various other conveyors are also present but some occupy a lot of space in the plant whereas some cannot give such high mass flow rates. The design data for some materials are available in the different material handling design data books. If one wants to design a system for any new material the he can start the design by comparing the material physical properties with the materials which have already been conveyed. Pneumatic conveying system is a conventional material handling system like belt conveyor or chain conveyor. The main advantage of pneumatic conveying system is that material is transferred in close loop, thereby preventing the environmental effect on the material and vice versa. There is wide scope for experimentation in the field of pneumatic conveying system.

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