Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: I Issue: XXXVIII, 10 April 2014
Prospects And Potentialities Of Economic Development In Bhogdoi River Basin, Assam, India
Sahitya Jyoti Das
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Water as resource is the abode of prosperity. Paradise itself has been imagined to be a place where water is plenty and river basins are the economically most prosperous region of the habitable portion of the world. Bhogdoi River is the southern sub-tributary of Brahmaputra though it was an active tributary of Brahmaputra in recent past. Bhogdoi River flows through the heart of the city Jorhat, the last capital town of the Ahom Kingdom. Down the ages, the Jorhat city is a successful thriving modern city with a lot of commercial and economic development. Further, the river flows through the Malow Pathar, the 'rice-bowl' of the region. The region is prosperous in tea cultivation, pisciculture, handloom and textile, sericulture etc. Moreover Jorhat, the cultural centre of Assam, today is witness to a lot of tourists due to its innate beauty and its resilient effect. Although the inhabitants of the region seem to be concerned for rapid economic progress but the pace of development is not come up to the level of satisfaction at the need of the time.

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