Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: II Issue: XXXXXII, 9 July 2015
Aquatic fungi from North Maharashtra-XV: foam spora
Patil V. R, Borse B. D., Patil S. Y.
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The article reports the occurrence of seven species of Hyphomycetes species viz, Camposporium antennatum Harkness, Ceratosporella deviata Subram., Clavariana aquatica Nawawi, Flabellocladia tetracladia (Nawawi) Nawawi, Helicomyses colligatus R.T. Moore, Hydrometrospora symmetrica J. Gonczol & Revay, and Phalangispora nawawii Kuthub. conidia of which were encountered in foam samples collected from different streams in North Maharashtra region (India). All the fungal species are being recorded for the first time from Maharashtra state except Flabellocladia tetracladia. The data provides information on the range distribution of these fungi in India. Descriptions of conidia and illustrations are provided.

Maruti Krishna Shahane
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Inventory was undertaken from last 3 years i.e. between 2010 to 2013. It was continuously screened and docoument the use of traditional medicinal plant from Solapur District Maharashtra, India. Present work investigated the total 10 species were found which are used as traditiona medicine for the treatment of various diseases and commonly occurs in human life.

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