Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: I Issue: XII, 10 October 2013
Rhizospheremycofloraand Soil Analysis Of Ground Nut
Patil Yogita S.
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Present review paper is a practical implementation of theoretical ideas. It is new ideas discover and identified in various sector of national economy. He explores the possibility of starting a venture in agriculture trade and industries. Tolerance of Brassicol by rhizospheremicro fungi of groundnut was study by food poisoning soil (FRSD) technique. Fungal population wear observed up to 1500 µ/ml in the plate. There eight to nine fold reduction in the population. A total of 94 species of fungi are recorded, seven species including phytophithora rubra did not tolerate seven 100 µ/ml whereas species like Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus carbonarius and A. niger showed their resistance at 1500 µ/ml.

Present Status Of Certain Govt. Trout Farmes Of South Kashmir
Nargis Annayat , Shabana And Arjamand
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Since the beginning of the 1990`s trout farming was being carried out on several fish farms in Kashmir. The state of J&K is having special agro climatic conditions ranging from tropical to severe cold, with a tremendous potential for development of warm water and cold water fisheries. The approximate water spread area of the state about 57000 hectares, out of which about 24000 hec, are in the shape of lakes and marshy areas, reservoirs and 23000 hec, in the shape of river systems. During last 25 years great efforts have been made for development of fish and fisheries in the state on modern scientific lines. The siting of these aquaculture facilities was based on the availibty of water in required qnantity and quality.

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