Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: I Issue: XXII, 19 December 2013
A Case Study Of A Schizophrenia Patient And The Effect Of Insight On Illness Syndrome
Fateh Moradi
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Introduction: Syndrome of Schizophrenia may have relation with patient's awareness; therefore his insight may help him on accelerating his recovery. The aim of this paper is to survey the effect of insight and precognition in a case of schizophrenia, during the illness and after its cure, on illness syndrome. Method: the research is a case study upon a person who had experienced schizophrenia, and he has gained his recovery. Ex post facto method has been used during a year through three terms. The case was a B.A. student whom plain schizophrenia was detected with. Duration of the initial curing was 3 months. Means for this research were; insight scale, scale of assessing unawareness of mental disorder, subtlest scale of (MMPI) and semi structuralized interview. Data have been analyzed by mean, variance and t-test. Findings: results showed that the patient who had experienced the illness for one to two years has confessed that after becoming aware of his illness and its syndrome through personal study and experts' explanations, he gained an insight about the illness. And however it is more than 6 months that he has not used any drugs, the syndrome have been removed and the illness has not reappeared. Difference of t is a sign of recovery of illness syndrome with the certainty of %99. Conclusion: insight has impacted on(the) reduction of schizophrenia syndromes

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