Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: II Issue: XIV, 16 October 2014
Testing Linear Restrictions In Linear Statistical Models
M. Ramesh , K. V. S. D. P. Varaprasad , G. Mokesh Rayalu , K. Vijayakumar , P. Narayana and P. Balasiddamuni
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Criteria for Testing linear restrictions on parameters in linear statistical models with the heteroscedastic errors have been developed in the present study. A simple test procedure has been suggested to test the linear restrictions in the linear regression models after making a pre-test for the error variance. Some existing tests for general linear hypotheses have been modified with reference to the linear statistical model under the problem of hetroscedasticity.

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