Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: I Issue: VII, 5 September 2013
QoS Negotiation and Service Differentiation by CAC Scheme for 3G Wireless Cellular Networks
Gajanan U. Patil And Chandrashekhar N. Deshmukh
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In the 1G and 2G of wireless cellular systems, CAC has been developed for a single service environment. In the 3G and beyond wireless cellular systems, multimedia services such as video, data, and audio are to be offered with various QoS profiles. Hence, more sophisticated CAC schemes are needed to develop for dealing with these challenges. CAC is needed for admitting reasonable number of users in the sense that CAC can satisfy various QoS constraints for different services and also maximize the spectrum utilization for systems. CAC schemes play a very important role in the performance of 3G wireless cellular network systems as it directly controls the number of users in a cell and thus limit the interference in the system.CAC has been extensively studied in wireless cellular networks as an essential tool for congestion control and QoS provisioning. CAC in wireless cellular networks has been receiving a great deal of attention during the last two decades due to the growing popularity of wireless cellular network and the central role that CAC plays in QoS provisioning. Quality of service (QoS) plays a major role in wireless cellular networks and it is one of the most important issues from both the users and operators point of view. All the parameters related to QoS are not same important for all users and requested applications. The satisfaction level of different users also does not depend on same QoS parameters. Our proposed CAC scheme gives preferential treatment to higher priority calls, such as handoff calls of all class of service (data, voice and video), by reserving some bandwidth to reduce handoff failures. In addition, queuing is also used to enhance the hand-off success probability. The scheme uses the effective load as an admission criterion and applies different thresholds for new and hand-off calls. Finally, we consider three types of services: video, voice and data calls. We assure that our scheme reduces the drop hand-off calls by queuing mechanism and increases the system capacity; hence the Gradeof- Service (GoS) and the system performance can significantly improve.

Analysis of the Factors Responsible for River Bank Erosion : A Study in Shantipur Block, Nadia District, West Bengal.
Subarna Chatterjee And Biswaranjan Mistri
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River Bank erosion has emerged to be one of the most annoying environmental hazards these days. It is a complex process which incorporates actions of several complex processes and cannot be attributed to any single process. At present, the average quantum of land engulfed by the rivers is about 800 hectares in West Bengal. River Bhagirathi –Hooghly, the most prominent river of the state has resorted to large scale bank slumping and flood in Shantipur, Nadia, the birth place of Vaishnavism. Though there has been immense study on the erosional activity of this river in the state, Shantipur has not got enough importance on this matter. Eminent national and international scholars have detected the causes of such erosional activities to be the typical flow properties of the river, the structural and compositional properties of the bank and climatic characteristics of the concerned area. This paper tries to throw some light upon the factors which have probably acted jointly to produce such large scale wearing away of land in this part of the planet.

Algorithmic Review for Voice and Speech Recognition.
Swapnil R. Kurkute And D. G. Agrawal
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In the noisy environment there is presence of background acoustic noise such as noise produced by vehicle engine inside a vehicle. Also there is utmost requirement to ensure negligible noise components in the recorded speech signal. Due to this speech communication or recording is greatly affected. One possible way to overcome this problem or satisfy a requirement to obtain a better recording of the desired signal is the use of a simple noise canceller. [6] To fulfill this requirement generally adaptive algorithms are used which converge rapidly. There are two best choice as adaptive filtering i.e. recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm & normalized least mean squares (NLMS) algorithm. Unfortunately this algorithm has high computational complexity, stability & poor adaptive rate problems respectively. Proposed algorithm is based on adaptive filtering with averaging (AFA) used for noise cancellation. The main advantages of AFA algorithm could be summarized as follows. It has low computational complexity at the same time high convergence rate comparable to that of the RLS algorithm and possible robustness in fixed-point implementations. The algorithm is illustrated on car and office noise added to speech data. [1]

Isolation Of Beauveria Bassiana, Classical Mutation And Solid Substrate Fermentation For Higher Biomass Production.
Chinnadurai Subramanian And Ganesh Punamalai
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The study describes the isolation of Beauveria bassiana from soil sample collected from lower bhavani project areas of Tamil Nadu. Primary screening of Beauveria bassiana was examined by microscopic and macroscopic morphology and then confirmed by biochemical tests. Fast growing selected isolate are cultured for biomass production on submerged and solid state fermentation effected 20% packed cell mass in SMF and EOF cell mass of 22 grams by SSF. The selected isolate is irradiated to UV and conducted three rounds of mutation resulted. Thirty five mutants were screened for fast growth, increased enzyme activity and biomass production. The study has resulted mutant MUT-23 affected 35% PCV in SMF and 30 grams end of fermentation weight in SSF with lipase 45 u/g, protease 88 u/g and chitinase 34 u/g productivity.

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