Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: II Issue: XXXII, 19 February 2015
Current Concepts About Mechanisms Of Action Of Antidepressant Drugs.
Rakesh Chandra Verma , Raveendra Singh Rajpoot and Stuti Tandon
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In the context of Psychiatry, Depression is characterized by sadness and lowness of mood (hence, it is a disorder of mood), feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness; and it may also include body-pain, disturbance in sleeping and eating patterns.

Work Processes In The Intensive Care Unit In Times Of Evidence-based Nursing: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis
PEREIRA, Wilma Suely Batista: 1-RN and VILELA, Aline dos Anjos- Nurse
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To discuss the use of scientific evidence to analyze work processes of nurses in the Intensive Care Unit and the appropriateness of using the term work process. Method: Based on a reference article that pointed five types of work process: teaching; search; watch; administer; participate politically, were identified and analyzed work processes of nursing in the intensive care unit described in Brazilian studies published between 2000 and 2013; qualitative meta-synthesis of an integrative review was made on the basis of SCIELO BIREME, LILACS, BDENf data. Keywords: work process; intensive care nursing.

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