Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: I Issue: IX, 19 September 2013
Increasing Efficiency of Computation Time For Hit Detection In BLASTN
Yuva Bharathi.R , Jebaraj Jegan.T And Punitha.P
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For biologists very hard time is with analyzing the uniqueness between two sample sequences such as DNA, RNA and protein sequences. A Bio-sequence represents a single, continuous molecule of nucleic acid or protein. It can be anything from a band on a gel to a complete chromosome. That's to design for a huge database system which finds similarities between two sequences that have biological significance. In such condition we have to compromise in computation time, this can be overcome through implementation BLASTN process. In this paper the BLAST process will be working more efficient by a new approach for biological sequence database scanning. The scanning is performed with reconfigurable FPGA base hardware by comparing sequence one to many sequences from the database. The experimental sequence matching reduces the computation time of BLAST. [1] [2]

Occupational Structure Of Population In Upper Krishna Basin: A Spatio-temporal Analysis
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The study of occupational structure dealing with working population in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors have been carried out in the present study. An investigation of the population's occupational structure unfolds the diverse economic, demographic and cultural attributes of an area which form the basis for region's social and economic development. The study of occupational characteristics is of great importance in understanding their occupational structure and functional association. It is essential to understand the economic base of tahsils in the study area the size of working population, its distribution into various occupations, sex wise participation in different economic activities etc., are studied in the structure of occupations. The occupational structure also indicates the trends in working force and industrial composition that the region is undergoing. These are associated with the overall changes in the physico-socio-economic set up of the region. It is found that the primary and secondary working population have witnessed decreasing trend during study span. Tertiary working population increases over the decades within the study region and state. It is a heavy burden on primary sector.

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