Science Park
ISSN : 2321–8045
Impact Factor : 3.4218[UIF-2017]
Archived Articles : Volume: II Issue: XXXXVII, 4 June 2015
The Unique Habitat Sites Of Family Raliidae In Solapur, (Ms) India
Rahul Vanjari , Raghvendra Vanjari and Bharat Chedda
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Rails, Crakes, Coots and Moorhens are the members of family Rallidae. They frequent watersides of freshwater marshes and lakes. The information about their life moments and distribution in Maharashtra region is poorly available. This chapter delineates with an interesting as well as essential aspect i.e. Habitat. Among all fourteen spots in and around Solapur six out of them are in high priority. There were twelve species of birds which belongs to Rallidae family and more than the twenty five species of twelve families were associated to them with their analogous preferred sites. Hence, they show their uniqueness by the distribution in Solapur.

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